
The Influence of Alcohol in Membrants

The parts that first suffer from alcohol are the expansion of the body called anatomists as membranes. "The skin is the membrane sheath. Through the entire surface of the alimentary, from the lips down, and through the bronchial ducts to the smallest branching, extending the mucous membrane. The lungs, heart, liver, kidneys are folded smooth membranes, which can be easily stripped from parts If you take a portion of the bone, you will find it easy to remove it from the membrane sheath or cover; if you examine the connection, you will find a head and socket coated with a membrane. The entire intestine is enveloped in a smooth membrane called peritoneum. enveloped in membranes, and fasciculi, or bundles and muscle fibers, have their membrane membranes.The brain and spinal cord are enveloped in three membranes, which are closest to themselves, pure vascular structures, vascular tissue, others, thin serous structures, one third a strong fibrous structure. The eyeball is a colloidal and membrane structure, and nothing else. To complete the des description, minute structures of vital organs are listed in membrane material. "

The Influence of Alcohol in Membrants
The Influence of Alcohol in Membrants

These membranes are body filters. "In their absence there will be no structure building, no tissue freezing, or organic mechanisms. Passively, they, however, separate all structures into their respective positions and adaptations."

Membrane deteriorates.
To make your mind very clear about the actions and uses of these membrane expansions, and how alcohol deteriorates, and block their work, we quote again from Dr. Richardson:

"This animal receives from the vegetable world and from the earth the food and drink it needs for its sustenance and movement. He receives colloidal food for his muscles: flammable food for his movements; water for solutions of various parts; salt for constructive and physical purpose others, these must all be regulated in the body, and they are regulated using membrane membranes, through which no membrane can pass which does not, for time, in a state of aqueous solutions, such as water or water flowing freely through them, salt passes freely through them, but the constructive problem of the active part is that the colloid does not pass, but is preserved in it until it is chemically broken down into a type of dissolved material, for our food a portion of animal flesh, first resolved, in digestion, becomes a liquid dissolved before it can be absorbed, in the blood it is broken into the condition of colloid liquid, in the solid it is dit put in the membrane into a new structure, and when it has played its part, it is digested again, if I can say it, becomes a crystalloid soluble substance, ready to be taken away and replaced by the addition of new material, then dialis or passing, membrane into the blood, and discarded in excretion.

"See, then, what are the very important parts that these membrane structures play in animal life. After their integrity, all silent work builds up the body depends. If the membrane is made too porous, and secretes colloidal fluid from the blood of the albumen, for example the body becomes a state , die, die as if slowly bleeding to death. If, on the contrary, they become thick or thickened, or loaded with foreign material, then they fail to allow the liquid nature to pass them. They fail to dialyse, and the result is, either fluid accumulation in closed cavities, or contractions of substances covered in membranes, or dryness of membranes in surfaces that should be lubricated freely and in old age, we see the effect of naturally induced membrane modification, we see fixed joints, smaller and weaker muscles , dim eyes, deaf ears, weak nerve function.

"This may seem, at first glance, that I immediately lead away from the subject of the secondary act of alcohol. Not so. I lead directly there. After all the structures of the alcohol membrane give direct deviations from the action. This results in thickening, shrinkage and inactivity. which reduces their functional strength that they can work fast and the same, they need to be filled with water at any time for saturation.If, in contact with them, each agent is carrying which pulls them out of the water, then their work is interrupted, they stop separating salt constituents correctly, and, if such crimes are initiated, permitted to continue, they contract material contained in any organ that may be located, and condense it.

"In short, under the influence of alcohol the prolonged changes that occur from it

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