
Alcohol Dangers in Organs

Alcohol Dangers in Organs
Alcohol Dangers in Organs
Action in the stomach.
The action of alcohol on the stomach is so dangerous that it cannot produce natural digestive juices in sufficient quantities and also fails to absorb foods that may not be perfectly digested. A condition characterized by nausea, emptiness, and distension will always be faced by an alcoholic. This results in hatred for food and is tempted by the desire to drink more. So there is a permanent disorder called dyspepsia. The disastrous form of confirmed digestive disorders originates from this practice.

How is the heart affected.
Organic damage caused by continuous use of alcohol is often a fatal character. The organs that most often experience structural changes from alcohol, are the liver. Usually, the liver has the capacity to hold active substances in its cellular parts. In cases of poisoning by various toxic compounds, we analyze the liver as if it were a central material depot. Practically the same as alcohol. The heart of an alcoholic is never free from the influence of alcohol and too often saturates it. The membranous or capsular structure of the liver membrane will be affected, prevent proper dialysis and free secretion. The liver becomes large due to dilation of the blood vessels, extra fluid costs and thickening of the tissue. This follows the contraction of the membrane and the shrinking of all organs in the cell. Then the bottom of the alcoholic becomes discouraged because of the obstruction offered to blood returning by the blood vessels. The structure of the liver can be filled with fat cells and undergo what is technically called a 'fatty liver'.

How the kidneys deteriorate.
The kidneys also suffer from excessive alcohol consumption. Kidney vessels lose elasticity and strength of contraction. The minute structure in it undergoes fat modification. Albumin from the blood easily passes through their membrane. This causes the body to lose its strength as if it has run out of blood gradually.

Lung congestion.
Alcohol easily relaxes the pulmonary vessels because they are most susceptible to hot and cold fluctuations. When experiencing the effects of rapid atmospheric temperature variations, they become easily jammed. During severe winters, sudden fatal lung congestion easily affects alcoholics.

Alcohol weakens the liver.
Alcohol consumption greatly affects the heart. The quality of the membrane structure that covers and lines the heart changes and thickens, becoming cartilaginous or calcareous. Then the valve loses its flexibility and so-called valve disorders become permanent. The mantle structure of the large blood vessels that lead from the heart share in the same structural changes so that the vessel loses its elasticity and strength to feed the heart by deterioration from distention, after the heart, by stroke, has filled it with blood.
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Again, the structure of the heart muscle fails due to degenerative changes in the tissue. The muscular fiber elements are replaced by fat cells or, if not replaced, transferred into the modified muscle texture where the strength of the contraction is greatly reduced.

Those who suffer from organic damage from the central organs and who regulate blood circulation learn the facts secretly, hardly break through them until far-reaching mischief. They are aware of the failure of the center of power from mild causes such as fatigue, difficulty, broken breaks or too long not eating. They feel what they call 'drowning' but they know that wine or other stimulants will immediately eliminate the sensation. So they tried to release him until finally they found that the medicine failed. A heart that is tense, overworked, and faithful will not hold it anymore. he was on track and the governor of his bloodstream was damaged. The current flowing into the tissue gradually damages the course or under a slight shock or excess motion stops completely at the center.

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